“Cloud Based Virtual Computer Lab for Digital Education Across Disciplines”
The Cloudlab project is providing access to computing resources for educational purposes at Kiel University and is operated by Kiel University’s Computing Centre. The project builds on top of the expertise generated during the WebLab project and started in October 2021. During the past year, the Cloudlab infrastructure has evolved from several isolated JupyterHub systems towards a single JupyterHub cluster solution that can host many users and their diverse software and compute resource requirements simultaneously and in a flexible way.
The goal of the Cloudlab project is to build a platform that is well-integrated into existing organizational structures at Kiel University and to provide a performant teaching environment that is easy to use and manage. Therefore, if you are involved in computational teaching at Kiel University, don’t hesitate to contact us with a brief statement about your requirements!
Currently, these courses at Kiel University are supported by Cloudlab,
- agrigAEF022-01a: Introduction to Bioinformatics and Computational genomics
- biol109: Biostatistik
- biol124: Bioinformatik - Analyse biologischer Daten
- biol160: Grundlagen der Genomanalyse
- pherPhysOz: Regionale Ozeanographie
- MNF-geow-B501: Endogene Geologie
- ZfSskSa009-01a: Webinhalte mit HTML5 und CSS3 und Javascript
- Imaging the Crust by Integrated Geophysical Analysis Workshop
During summer term 2023 the Cloudlab platform was used by,
- AEF-agr550: Partizipative Politikprozesse in der Agrar- und Entwicklungspolitik
- AEF-agrig006: Applied genome and proteome research
- bcmb206: Strukturbiologie
- biol-258: Computational and Comparative Genomics
- climDAT: Data Analysis and Statistics
- climMEMODEL: Modern Aspects in Meteorology: Climate Modeling
- climPOMODCIRC: Modern Aspects in Physical Oceanography: The modelled wind-driven and thermohaline circulation
- FE-IT-DB: Webapp-Entwicklung mit Scrum-Techniken für Studierende nicht-informatischer Fächer
- geopAGP01: Gravimetrie und Magnetik
- infCN-01a: Computer Networks
- pherPhysOz: Ozeanphysik
- pherWiss: Angewandtes Programmieren
- MNF-bioc-202: Advanced Practical Course in Biological Oceanography: Evolutionary biology
During winter term 2022/23 these courses were supported by Cloudlab,
- agrarAEF849-01a: Analyse des Wählerverhaltens unter Anwendung der Discrete-Choice Modelle
- bwlCompMBus-01a: Computational Modeling for Business
- climNUM: Numerical Methods and Models
- etit6035-01a: Modeling and Simulation of Complex Physical Systems
- geopMaGGP07: Tektonophysik
- geow-B502: Arbeiten mit wissenschaftlichen Daten
- geop-GGP2: Dynamik der Erde
- geop-NGP2i: Digitale Bearbeitung geophysikalischer Daten
- Inf-MKli: Computer Science in Ocean and Climate Research
- MNF-phys-205: Computer als Handwerkszeug: Wissenschaftliche Programmierung
- MNF-phys-1246: Forschungspraktikum Astrophysik
- OptStPDG: Optimale Steuerung partieller Differentialgleichungen
- pherData: Zeitreihen und Raumdatenanalyse
- pherPhysOz: Regionale Ozeanographie
- pherProj: Semesterprojekt
- pherWiss: Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
- 050027: Projektseminar zur Geschichte der Neuzeit: Digital Literacy
- 200319: EinfĂĽhrung in R
- 200461: Webinhalte mit HTML5 und CSS3 und Javascript
During summer term 2022 the Cloudlab platform was used by,
- climAMETROP-01a: Tropospheric Physics and Dynamics
- climDAT: Data Analysis and Statistics
- climPOOGCM: Ocean General Circulation Modelling
- geopAGP01: Gravimetrie und Magnetik
- pherPhysOz: Ozeanphysik
- pherPraM: Feldpraktikum Meteorologie
- pherWiss: Angewandtes Programmieren
- Objektorientiertes Programmieren in C++
- NMDB Neutron Monitor Database Workshop NMDB@Athens
- as well as one Bachelor and one Master thesis!
During winter term 2021/22 these courses were supported by Cloudlab,
- climPOENSO: Modern Aspects in Physical Oceanography III
- geop-GGP2: Dynamik der Erde
- geop-NGP2g: Digitale Bearbeitung geophysikalischer Daten
- MNF-phys-205: Computer als Handwerkszeug: Wissenschaftliche Programmierung
- pherAOD: Atmosphären- und Ozeandynamik II
- pherData: Zeitreihen und Raumdatenanalyse
- pherDGL: Differentialgleichungen im System Erde
- pherPhysOz: Regionale Ozeanographie
- pherProj: Semesterprojekte
- pherWiss: Grundlagen des wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens
- as well as one Bachelor thesis!
Last page update: October 19th, 2023