
The Cloudlab platform currently covers use cases around Jupyter notebooks, RStudio, Visual Studio Code, MATLAB, and Linux desktop environments!

Details about how to get access and about how to use the platform can be found in the separate Cloudlab documentation, which is maintained via Kiel University’s GitLab instance and build with Kiel University teaching and IT staff as communities in mind. This website is meant to outlive the pilot phase of the Cloudlab project and we welcome contributions of any kind! 🌟🎉

Project events

There are also Cloudlab project events in particular for Kiel University teaching and IT staff, which are aimed at providing structured information, answering questions, and helping with the adoption of the Cloudlab platform. There are also Cloudlab Café events, which are meant to provide the ground for an informal exchange about any aspect regarding the use of the Cloudlab platform. If you want to stay updated about these events, please make sure that you subscribe to the Cloudlab mailing list.

Last page update: January 11th, 2023